Varshik Adhiveshan, 2008
Annual Meeting (Varshik
Adhiveshan) of Arya Veer Dal, Delhi Pradesh was held on 03/08/08 at Arya
Samaj, Greater kailash Part-II.
Meeting started with the Vaidik Rashtriya Prarthana and Sh. Virender
Arya (Sanchalak) headed the meeting. Some 70 members of Arya Veer &
Veerangana Dal were present accumulatively in the meeting. First of all
Shri Virender Arya, Sanchalak Delhi Pradeh made the new appointments for
the year 2008-09 afterward a brief detail of previous years
activity presented by Sunder Arya. Sh. Virender Arya thanked every one
to successfully organize the activities. The detail of Income &
Expenditure was presented by Shir Ramesh Arya.
Similarly the new appointments for Arya Veerangna Dal was made by Smt.
Veena Arya for the year 2008-09 & presented a brief of the main
activities of Arya Veerangna Dal in the previous year. Smt. Pushpa
Mahawar presented the details of Income & Expenditure.
Smt. Suniti Arya & Br. Raj Singh Arya addressed new appointees of
both the wings and urged them to do well to be a good personality in all
aspect to build a better nation while expending the new Sakhas of Arya
Veer & Veerangna Dal.
Sh. Dinesh Arya (Pradhan Shikshk) & Sushri. Manisha Arya (Pradhan
Shikshika) presented their views and committed to make the organization
stronger & better.
Sh. Brihaspati Arya presented the new calendar of activities for year
2008-09 and asked all aryaveer and veeranganas to participate
Sh. Virender Arya & Sh. Jagbir Arya (Sah Sanchalak) greeted thanks
to all the Adhikaris of Arya Samaj, Greater kailash-II for making a nice
arrangement to make the program successful. Adhiveshan ended with Shanti